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An Engine of Data-Powered Progress
for Black Minnesotans.

Solving for the Future

By merging community data with predictive analytics, Octavia will empower social-sector leaders to solve big, interconnected challenges, from education to wealth to health.


Aggregate data sets from multiple agencies that serve Black Minnesotans.


Synthesize rich data with a Black community lens to control for bias and harm.


Refine data using AI to make it usable for analysis and reporting.


Use predictive analytics to test programs, policies, and impacts in real time.


Co-design new models and solutions in response to community conditions.


Lead a Radical Black Agenda of upstream solutions that can change the trajectory.

Octavia unlocks
none of
us could
achieve on
our own.

A Project of the
African American
Leadership Forum

AALF is a statewide think-and-do tank creating radical Black Futures in Minnesota where opportunity and justice are actualized. Visit the Forum website.

Learn about the promise of predictive data for our sector.

Leap Ahead with Us.

Are you a researcher, nonprofit leader, or policymaker working to grow access and opportunity for all? Connect with us to be part of our solution.

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